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thanthanTheThe year is 2021.

More than ten years have passed since we last released audio material on, which was deliberately put to sleep after delivering its ninth instalment, in order for us to be able to focus on other personal projects.

In the meantime, the music industry has gone full digital to survive a major crisis, and a lot of the netlabels from the golden era of netaudio have stopped operating or have simply disappeared, leaving netaudio enthusiasts to try and recover entire catalogues by digging and sharing the precious contents of their hard drives.

Is it still relevant to release free music under a Creative Commons license today ?

We strongly believe it is. It is even more relevant than ever in an era dominated by omnipotent streaming platforms generating huge profits and yet redistributing so little to the very artists and labels thant provide them with the necessary audio material in the first place.

We will thus go on distributing high quality mp3 audio material for free under a Creative Commons license, and from now on, a lossless version will also be available for purchase from the artist's website.

_info is a non-profit netlabel focused on releasing quality electronic music under a Creative Commons license.

Although we don’t question the legitimacy of making money out of music and art in general, we strongly believe that one shouldn’t always have to pay for it, and that’s one of the reasons why we chose to make our music available for everyone to download at no charge.

Another obvious reason for releasing eps and albums in the mp3 format is that it allows us to break free from the financial constraints inherent to running a commercial label : by reducing the production costs to almost nothing (mainly storage and bandwidth) we can afford to put out music by emerging artists without having to worry about how we will get our money back.

As far as style is concerned, there are no strict guidelines underlying our artistic choices other than those of our subjective tastes and moods, although we tend to concentrate on experimental-oriented music that manages to stay innovative without necessarily being tweaked beyond comprehension.


All the content of this website - audio files and covers - is presented under a Creative Commons license.

You are free to reproduce, distribute and share these files considering the following conditions :

- You must credit the original author. (don't modify the mp3 tags)
- You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
- You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.

For more info, please read the complete license :

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